Black Thrive Global
Black Thrive Global

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Our Impact

“Take advantage of every opportunity; where there is none, make it for yourself”. - Marcus Garvey
An image of two Black people stood together smiling.
BT Global

Our Impact

We recognise that our work is long term, we are working to dismantle and reimagine systems that have been in place for a very long time. Therefore, we are aware that the direct benefits of our work may not be evident in the short time.

So, we frame what we do as preparing the “soil” and sowing “seeds” to achieve long term systemic change across four themes.

An image of a group of predominantly Black people, stood by the street sign for La Rose Lane.
  • Strategic Learning and Mental Models
    • Enabling continuous learning among actors in the system
    • Bringing fresh perspectives to existing evidence and creating new evidence
    • Changing assumptions and narratives
  • Power and Decision-Making
    • Building confidence and a sense of agency among individuals and communities with lived experience.
    • Giving communities actual power to make and influence decisions.
  • Policies, Practices and Resources Flows
    • Changing policies and practices.
    • Changing funding criteria and what is funded
    • Resources include money, time, assets etc.
  • Relationship and Connections
    • Making new connections between systems and building coalitions
    • Improving the quality of relationships between system actors
    • Improving relationships between systems and residents

We want to be held accountable by our communities and our partners; this is a collaborative effort. Therefore, you can read our yearly impact reports below.